TITLE: 1850 AUTHOR: Amber Pyle AUTHOR EMAIL: Hfordlovur@aol.com RATING: PG13 for violence CLASSIFICATION: MT, A, MSR DISCLAIMERS: Mulder and Scully belong to Chris Carter and 1013 productions. They are not mine. I am just borrowing them. All other characters were made up by me. I didn't take them from anything. SPOILERS: None ARCHIVE: Yes. Please do. Just E-mail me first SUMMARY: Mulder and Scully are trapped in the year 1850. Everyone around them thinks they are slaves. Can they get back to 1999 before they die first? **Warning, a fake character death** By: Amber Pyle Mulder slowly started to wake from a deep sleep. It felt good considering that it didn't happen much. He opened his eyes trying to clear the cobwebs induced by the sleep. Mulder looked around and noticed something strange. He wasn't in his apartment anymore. In fact he had never seen this place before in his life. As he looked around he noticed it looked more like a barn. There was hay covering the ground. There were a few blankets over the hay where he was laying. The walls were very old wood and there was obviously no kind of heating system. Mulder slowly got up, his joints crying in pain from sleeping on the floor. He couldn't help feeling like he was in some sort of western movie. Then he noticed that the clothes he wore were ragged and dirty. It looked like he had made them himself. The shirt was beige but appeared brown from all the dirt on it. It looked like it was made from a potato sack. He wore torn up blue jeans that had brown stains all over it. As Mulder walked outside he looked around and gasped. There were cotton fields all around and black people in clothes just as ragged as his were picking it. He noticed that all the people looked at least ten years older than he figured they really were. There were scars all over their body and they looked worn out from being outside so much. Just then he noticed a small child. Even worse he saw a man behind her whipping her with all his heart. He heard the screams from the child and cringed. The site almost made him want to go back into the place he came from so he wouldn't have to see all of it anymore but he knew he couldn't do that to a child. So he approached the man with the most angry face he could manage through the confusion in his eyes. "Hey! What do you think your doing?" Mulder yelled at the man. "Stay out of this Fox, unless you want the same thing to happen to you," the man yelled back at him. Mulder was taken back. How had this man known his name? "What the hell did she do to deserve this?" "She wasn't picking the cotton that she was assigned to. Now she has to pay for it." Mulder looked at the small black child. She couldn't have been more than eight years old, about as old as Samantha was when she disappeared. The girl looked up at Mulder through teary eyes, as if trying to plead to him. He knew that there was no way that he could walk away from this. "I demand that you stop whipping this child," Mulder replied sternly reaching into a pocket for his badge. He was shocked not to find it and looked up at the man confused. "That does it," the man yelled out, "I'm getting the master." The master? What the hell was this, the twilight zone, Mulder thought as he watched the man walk off. He then looked at the girl who was looking back at him. "Hey," Mulder said gently, "are you OK?" "Yes," she said softly, in such a southern accent it almost made Mulder laugh. "What is this place?" Mulder asked her. "Missouri. Master Mitchell's place," she replied quickly. "What the hell am I doing in Missouri? It looks like I'm in the 1830s or something," Mulder said jokingly. "Actually 1850," the girl replied, obviously not taking it as a joke. "1850? Are you kidding?" "No sir. That's what my papa tells me." She said as if taking defensive action. "I didn't mean that I didn't believe you, I just wasn't sure." "Oh that's okay mister. I better get back to work before that man comes back." She said, starting to walk away. "Wait. I have one more question. Have you seen a woman around? She has red hair and she is about this tall," he asked, showing the girl her height. "Yessir. She is over there," the girl pointed behind him. Mulder looked behind him and quickly saw Scully. She also looked very confused. She also looked almost as bad as Mulder. She had an old, southern style dress on that was blue and white but had been stained brown. Mulder quickly ran up to her. "Mulder, where the hell are we?" Scully asked looking at him very confused. "Well, according to that girl over there, "Mulder pointed at the child, who was now picking cotton, "We're in Missouri and it's 1850," he replied, imitating the girl's southern accent. "What?!" Scully looked at Mulder in disbelief, "That's impossible!" "Not entirely. Even Einstein predicted that one day we would be able to travel through time. It looks like we are the first people that have done it. The question is how we did it. The last thing I remember doing is watching Star Wars on the Sci-Fi channel. I really don't think that would have caused it." "It has been proven that time travel is impossible to modern science. It just simply can't happen. There is no way that we can be in the year 1850." "Honestly Scully, how many times have I ever relied on science to explain anything?" Mulder replied only half jokingly. "Good point. So how do you suggest we get out of here?" "Well I think the first thing we need to do is find the guy that everyone seems to be calling master. He may know what is going on." "Well just on a hunch I would say that's him," Scully said, pointing to a man. He was about 5'4", fat, half bald, with a very expensive looking gray suit on. "What in the hell do you think you're doing?!" the man boomed at Mulder, "I thought you had enough sense to mind your own business." "I have a feeling that he isn't going to be much help," Mulder said dryly to Scully. "Sir, I couldn't just sit back and watch an innocent child being beaten half to death." "Well that's just great `cause now you are the one that is going to have that fate. I sure hope you feel better about yourself after it's all over." Mulder didn't like the sound of that. He's been beaten shitless, shot, stabbed, nearly killed numerous times, but he can't ever remember being whipped. And he didn't even do anything! Why the hell were they doing this in the first place? He wasn't some slave. Then it hit him. They must think that he is a slave. He had read books that explained just this thing. Slaves being beaten to death for practically no reason. Being overworked and malnouroushed. The descriptions of these were brutal and he didn't much want to experience them. "Boys, grab him and take him to the cross," the man said sternly, "and I suggest that you, little missy, go back to your cotton picking before you get yourself in real trouble." "Scully, go. There's no point in risking your life too," Mulder whispered to Scully. "Mulder, I am not leaving you," was her reply "Don't worry. I'll be fine. I always am aren't I?" he gave her his best goofy grin. "All right, but if you get a chance to run you take it. I don't want you to think about me. You understand?" "Scully, you know I can't do that." "Just like I can't leave you." Mulder thought about that for a minute. "Okay. I will run if I get the chance. I want you to do the same though." "It's a deal. I'll see you soon partner," Scully said as she watched her partner being dragged away kicking and screaming by two very large men. /He always has to put up a fight doesn't he/ she thought with a smile. **************************************** Mulder kicked, cursed, and basically did everything possible to piss these guys off. There was no way they were getting him without a fight. Mulder was then shoved roughly onto the front of a cross which caused him to groan. His stomach was against the rough wood. His arms were forcefully tied onto it as his feet dangled loosely. Out of the corner of his eye he saw one of the men that carried him bring out a whip. It was then that he realized what was happening. "Stop it you bastards!" he spat out, "Have you no honor?" The two men looked at each other and the one with the whip shrugged as he pulled his wrist back for the first slash. Mulder groaned with pain as the slap of the whip came down hard onto his back but somehow managed to subdue his screams. The second one came even harder and he groaned even louder. Then the third one came down onto an already open wound. He couldn't contain his screams any longer. "Stop it! Stop it!" he pleaded until he was crying. The men acted as if he were nothing more than a cow and just kept whipping him. He shrieked again as another slap of the whip came down on his back. He fought as long as he could, thrashing about but to no avail. The whip came down again and again, faster and harder. Until he just didn't have the strength to yell anymore. His voice came out in mere whimpers until the pain was so strong he let the darkness take him in. *********************************** "Mulder? Come on. Wake up," a voice was calling to him sympathetically. The voice seemed so far away. Mulder wanted just to tell it to go away so he could sleep but he couldn't muster the strength. "Mulder, come on. You need to wake up so I can check on you." He then realized the voice was Scully's and let out a small groan but didn't attempt to do anything else. "I know it hurts but I need you to open your eyes for me partner. You think you can do that for me?" Mulder groaned again but slowly opened his eyes which revealed his angel. "Scully," he said hoarsely. God it was hot. Why did his throat hurt so much? "Shh- don't try to talk. I think your wounds are infected. You have a fever also. I'm worried about pneumonia. You've been on this cold floor all night." Mulder looked around at his surroundings and realized he was in a barn. He tried to move but the pain in his back was unbearable and he let Scully push him down again. "Stay down. I want to take a look at you. You've been out for over 24 hours. I was getting worried that I would never see your beautiful, brown eyes again," Mulder looked up at Scully and saw only concern in her eyes. "You promised," he whispered hoarsely. Scully hardly heard him. "No, I promised that I would go and pick the cotton. You were the one that promised you wouldn't come back for me. I never said that," a pang of guilt shot through Mulder's face at those words, "Oh Mulder, I didn't mean it that way. I'm sorry. I just meant-" "I know what you meant. I understand," Mulder interrupted right before he took a bought of coughing fits. It took several minutes for them to subside. "Damn," he finally said hoarsely after the coughs were all over. "I know. I think you have pneumonia. Your breathing is ragged and you have trouble talking." /I could have told you that/ Mulder thought. "So, you got any bright ideas of getting us out of here?" "Well, I have one but you're in no condition to go through with it." "Then you have to go. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine." "Bullshit. You should know by know that I would never leave you behind. Especially like this. Besides, you need medical attention and fast." "I don't know if you have noticed lately Scully, but we're in 1850. I don't think there is going to be much around here to help me." "I've thought of that. I used your shirt to stop the bleeding in the wounds but if we can get out of here we might be able to get you to a hospital in time." "Good luck," Mulder replied as another coughing fit went underway. "Why is it so hot in here Scully?" he asked tiredly. "Well maybe because you have one hell of a fever." she replied with concern edging her voice. "You never told me that brilliant plan of yours Scully," he said changing the subject. "Well, the only thing I can come up with is we wait until around midnight and break for it. No one should be awake but I still don't think that we should risk it in your condition." "What do you think is going to happen if I stay here Scully? I'll probably be dead by morning. I say we go for it. We have nothing to lose." "Except our lives," Scully muttered. "Well our lives are more in danger sticking around here. Scully looked at him for a few moments. She knew he was right /but there must be another way/. It was then that she realized there wasn't. /If we stuck around here until morning it's doubtful Mulder will live/. With a sigh she answered, "Okay, you win. We'll leave at midnight. I want you to sleep right now though. You're going to need all the strength you have." "Okay," sleep didn't sound that bad to him anyway. Scully kissed his burning forehead as he went into a dreamless sleep. ************************************ "Mulder, wake up. It's time partner." Mulder groaned loudly to show his discomfort. "I feel like shit," he muttered sleepily. "I know. You've gotten worse. If we don't leave now we may not get another chance though. You know I wouldn't be doing this if there was any other way." Mulder opened his eyes to reveal what looked like a very guilty Scully. It took some energy but he grasped her hand firmly. Scully looked down on him with sorrowful eyes. "I know Scully. I'm going to be fine. We *will* get out of here fine." Scully smiled gratefully /boy this man really knows how to make a girl feel better/. She got up and gave him her hand. He gradually took it and it took all of her will to get him in a semi standing position. She grasped his waist as he put his arm over her shoulders. He couldn't even stand up on his own. He was leaning heavily against Scully which caused her to slump slightly which in turn cause him to slump a lot. As Scully was pulling him up, Mulder tried his hardest to ignore the dizziness and nausea that any movement caused. It took a while but he got his bearings somewhat back and it looked like they were ready to go. "Lead the way partner," he said weakly. Scully half pulled, half dragged Mulder out of the shed. She knew if they didn't act fast someone will either see them or Mulder will pass out so she tried to keep a steady pace. She looked up at Mulder who looked like in his own little world. His fever hazed eyes were unfocused as he stared ahead at nothing in particular. /I'm so sorry Mulder/ she thought to herself, / I never should have left you/. It took about 45 minutes to get towards the end of the property. Scully would let Mulder rest there. He seemed completely oblivious to anything that was going on. He let out the occasional groan when Scully would accidentally touch one of the wounds on his back but other than that he made no noise at all. It was almost as if he was preserving all of his energy for his walking which Scully knew he was using pure adrenaline for now. "Come on partner. A few more steps and you can rest." It was then that she heard the shouting at the house. She looked back and vaguely saw two figures in front of the house, one pointing over towards her. Scully shook Mulder in hopes to get him out of the haze he was in. "Mulder, come on. We need to make a run for it. I'm going to need some help." Mulder groaned slightly and looked down at Scully. "Scully?" She smiled sympathetically. "Yeah. I'm going to need your help. We've been spotted and we need to start running." "Scully, I don't think I can do that." "Yes you can. Come on." Scully grasped on to her partner's waist more tightly and started moving a little faster. He complied, but slowly. /Shit, shit, shit/ was all that was going through Scully's mind as she urged Mulder to go a little faster. She could hear horses. /Shit. We don't have a chance/. It was then when she heard the first gunshot. It planted itself in a tree not three feet away from them. Scully started running as fast as she could, dragging Mulder behind her. Then she heard the second gunshot. And then she felt the stinging pain in her back. She tumbled to the ground. Mulder watched in horror as her best friend caught a bullet square in the back. He crawled over to her and turned her over. She coughed slightly and opened her eyes. "It's all right. You're going to be just fine," Mulder said teary eyed. But the both knew it was a lie. Scully tried to say something but he couldn't make it out. He leaned over until his ear was nearly touching her mouth "I-. lo-ove- you," then blood started coming from her mouth and all Mulder could do was hold her in his arms and watch her die. It took less than a minute for her body to slack and her eyes to become hollow. "I love you too," Mulder whispered, sobbing. He sat there for a moment with Scully's body in his arms. He let the sobs take over his body and he hugged her tightly. Then he heard the sound of grass being trampled on behind him. Mulder turned around just in time to see two men on horses approaching him. "You bastards," he whispered angrily. "YOU BAST-." *********************************** "-.AHHHH!" Scully jumped from her sleep to see her partner thrashing about. "Shhh, it's okay. It's just a dream," Scully tried to reason with him. Mulder opened his eyes to see Scully hovering over him. /Oh my god. She's alive?/ "Scully?" his voice came out hoarse. "Don't try to talk. You'll just aggrivate your already sore throat." "You're alive Scully." She had never seen so much happiness on his face before. "Yes, I am. Now get some sleep." "Where am I?" Mulder took this moment to look around the room for the first time. White everything, an IV in his arm, and Scully at his side. He must be in another damn hospital. "You're in a hospital. You have one nasty case of pneumonia. You weren't answering your phone so I dropped by your house to find you sprawled out on your couch. When I found you you had a fever of 104. It's gone down to 102 now but your probably still going to be really uncomfortable for a while. The doctor wants you to stay here for at least a week." "As long as you are here I won't be uncomfortable," he replied Scully was slightly taken aback. He had never talked like this before. Sure she always wished he would but it was just a little odd. "Well, I promise I won't leave your side," she said honestly *************************************** 3 days later Mulder had been in the hospital for three days now. Three days to think about what that dream meant. /What if something really did happen to one of us and we were never able to tell each other our true feelings?/ he kept thinking over and over. /I'll just tell her today. Then we won't have to worry about it. Yes I'll tell her next time she comes in/. It was then that Scully chose to walk in. She looked all cheery as she smiled down at him. "Hiya partner. How ya feeling today?" Mulder smiled, "Much better. Hey, aah Scully?" "What is it Mulder?" "Sit down over here. There's something that I need to tell you." Scully sat down in the chair next to the bed and looked up at Mulder with curiosity. "I had this sort of dream while I was sick. I know that fever dreams should never be taken seriously but this one got me thinking." "What was it about Mulder?" "Well, we somehow had gotten to the year 1850 and we were slaves on this man's farm. I saved a little girl from a beating and I paid for it by getting the beating instead. You came and said you had a plan to escape but by then I had developed pneumonia and was afraid that I couldn't make it. But you wouldn't leave me Scully. No matter how much I tried to get you to go without me, you wouldn't leave. So the both of us tried to escape but someone caught one to what we were doing. The came and they uh," Mulder swallowed, "the shot you Scully." Scully was taken aback by the last line but then started reasoning, "Mulder, it was just a dream. It means nothing." "I'm not finished. Right before you died you whispered to me that you loved me," Mulder looked up with tears in his eyes, "then you died Scully. I didn't get the chance to say it back," Mulder was choking back the tears the best he could but with that last line he couldn't contain them any longer and started sobbing. Scully was unsure of what to due. She gave Mulder a hug and he took it in like it was the last hug he would ever get. Scully stroked his hair and talked in a soothing voice. "Shh, it's okay. It was just a dream," Mulder looked up at her. "But what about when it's not a dream Scully? What will happen then? We are in a very dangerous job and one of us could very easily die." "What are you saying Mulder?" "I'm saying, Dana Katherine Scully, that I love you. I have since the moment I saw you but I was just too scared to say it. Now I'm too scared not to say it." Scully was shocked at first but when she looked into his eyes she saw only sincerity. Her face softened and she gave a huge smile. "Fox Mulder, you have no idea how long I have been waiting to hear that," she then gave him a soft kiss on the lips. She pulled away and they looked into each others eyes. They both smiled and gave each other a huge hug. /Now everything is going to be all right/ Mulder thought as Scully embraced her. /Everything is going to be just fine/. *The End*